3rd Inclar 2022


Keynote Speaker



Prof. Dr. Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej

Vice Minister of Law and Human Rights



Invited Speakers:

Dr. Fernando Arlettaz

Universidad De Zaragoza, Spain

Prof. Oliver Fuo

North-West University, South-Africa

Dr. Zuryati Mohamed Yusoff

Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia



Cekli Setya Pratiwi, SH., L.LM., M.CL, P.hD (cand)

University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia & University of Mahidol, Thailand

Dr. Herwastoeti, SH., M.Hum

University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia





About INCLAR 2022



The Covid-19 pandemic has become a phase that has changed the pattern of life of nations and countries around the world. No exception, in the aspect of humanity and guarantees of the fulfillment of human rights. The dimension of human life is always shaded and upheld by the state. The existence of community rights is the center of presence amid life. Human rights should be recognized and developed in such a way in line with the complexity and demands of human beings who tend to be influenced by local and international environmental locality. Human rights are intensely discussed with the intensity of human awareness of their rights. Human rights have become actual in human history since the beginning of civilization until now. The movement and dissemination of Human Rights continue even beyond the territorial boundaries of a country. As a form of a contribution to human rights issues on post Covid-19 pandemic, the holding of this international conference will continue to raise issues related to the rule of law, democracy, and human rights principles, and so on the theme of the holding of the third international conference.

Various legal issues, which have arisen as a result of the Covid- 19 pandemic, for example in Indonesia there is an Omnibus Law model in the formation of regulations (in case of job creation laws), in South Korea there is a simultaneous election model to respond to the transmission of Covid-19 and so on. Those legal issues, were identically as a form of law reform, during and post Covid-19 pandemic. In another hand, legal phenomenon on post Covid-19 pandemic will lead more interesting, according to the new ide on law reform.

In principle, it drives the Faculty of the Law University of Muhammadiyah Malang to hold 3rd The International Conference of Law and the Call for Papers with Narrating Scene Understanding Law Reform on Post Covid-19 Pandemic. Unlike the previous implementation, this activity was carried out amid concern over the Covid-19 Pandemic. The topics raised at this conference were expanded, including by adding issues about emergency law and health law.






Important Date


Abstracts Submission February 1st - March 31st, 2022
Acceptance and Payment February 1st - June 1st, 2022
Full Paper Submission April 1st - June 1st, 2022
Conference and Paper Presentation July 23th, 2022











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Call for Paper


Topics: Understanding Law Reform on Post Covid-19 Pandemic


We are calling for papers Understanding Law Reform on Post Covid-19 Pandemic on:

Human Right Issues

Human rights fulfillment during and post Covid-19 pandemic

Philosophy of Law

Legal politics of emergency law to response Covid-19 pandemic

International Law

International law instrument to protect human being from Covid-19 pandemic

Health/Medicine Law

Health Law to Response Covid-19 Outbreaks

Administrative Law

Dilemma of Implementation Sanction to Citizen who Reject Covid-19 Vaccination

Environment Law

The impact of Covid-19 on sustainable environment development

Constitutional Law

Amendment of Constitution during Covid-19 Pandemic

Private Law

Data Protection on Covid -19 Patient: Between Medical Secret and Humanism

Business and Bankruptcy Law

Juridical instruments for handling the economic crisis related to the Covid 19 outbreak

Criminal Law

Corruption Case During Covid -19 Pandemic

Islamic Law

Covid-19 on Islamic Law Perspective

Another related field



