The Proceedings of the International Conference on Education (ICEdu) is a peer-reviewed open-access proceeding in the fields of education and learning. We only accept and publish articles manuscripts in the fields appropriate for the proceeding; professional teacher development, STEM education, collaborative learning, computational thinking, lesson study, local potential-based learning, innovative learning media and resource, virtual learning innovation, school-based management, remote/virtual internship thematic learning, freedom to learn, Arabic education, modernization of Islamic education and thought, and moderate practice of Islamic education. The committee is responsible for the peer-review publication process as a pivotal building block in the development of respected network of academia, and we will assist in facilitate the publication process to ICEdu-bound publisher.
The following statements clarify ethical behavior to be agreed upon for all parties involved in the act of publishing an article in our proceeding; the authors, the editors, and the peer-reviewers. This statements were adapted from Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE)
Author Responsibilities
- Author(s) must submit the manuscript accurately and objectively. The findings being used in the manuscript should be based on honest work, and must not use any fabricated, falsification, and/or inappropriate data manipulation. Author(s) also responsible for not providing falsified and inaccurate sentences, information, or statements.
- Author(s) is obliged cite previous research, research-findings, concept/theory of references used in the preparation of their manuscript, and author(s) is obliged to provide proper acknowledgement of the works of others used in a research.
- Author(s) must certify that their manuscript is their original work. The manuscript also has not currently being considered for publication, journal or proceeding, elsewhere, and the author(s) must certify that their manuscript is free of plagiarism in any form.
- Author(s) must certify that their manuscript has not been published elsewhere. The author(s) also prohibited to write the manuscript using any data submitted in any other publications. If certain section of the manuscript used previous published study as the part of their manuscript, the author(s) is required to clearly cite the previous paper and indicate how their submitted manuscript offer novel contributions beyond those of the previous work.
- Author(s) must provide proper acknowledgement of the works of others used in a research, and the author(s) of the manuscript should give comprehensive credit were it is deemed required by author(s) for supporting their research. The manuscript also must have mentioned if the author has received any funding or grants by any institutions, and the name of the institutions also must be disclosed in the acknowledgement.
- All names of the authorship listed in the manuscripts must have significant contribution to the research or the preparation of the manuscript. All listed author(s) also must have an agreement regarding the final manuscript submitted for the conference.
- Author(s) must notify the committee about any potential financial or any conflict of interest that is substantially similar to the manuscript under review.
- Author(s) must notify promptly the committee if a significant errors or inaccuracy in their manuscript is identified, and cooperate with the committee to be further evaluated.
Editor Responsibilities
- Editors are responsible for the quality of review process and overall quality of the publication of the manuscript in the proceeding.
- Editors are responsible in initial screening to all manuscripts submitted to the committee/conference.
- Editors are responsible in handling peer-review process.
- Editors must ensure that the reviewers who review the manuscript possess suitable expertise according to the manuscript being reviewed.
- Editors are responsible for making publication decisions (Accept/Reject/Asking the author to revise their manuscript), based on the result of the review process.
- Editors must keep information pertaining to submitted manuscripts confidential.
- Editors are not responsible for publishing manuscripts without author’s declaration of conflict interest.
Reviewer Responsibilities
- Reviewers must treat all information regarding manuscripts as strictly confidential and treat them as privileged information. Any identity or information related to the manuscript are not to be shown or discussed with others, unless permitted by the editor(s).
- Reviewers must have important contribution to improve the quality of the manuscript being reviewed. Reviewer must express their feedbacks objectively, clearly and easy to be understood.
- Reviewers must conduct the review process of the manuscripts objectively and following guidance provided by the editor. The final decisions regarding manuscript’s publication is going to rely on the accuracy of the review, quality of the research, quality of the manuscript, quality of the discussion, and appropriateness towards the guidelines.
- Reviewers must keep information pertaining to peer review process remain confidential, and not for personal interest.
- Reviewers must notify the editor about any manuscripts that is substantially have any conflict of interest (financial, institutional, collaborative, or any relationship) between the reviewer and author, and the reviewer must withdraw their services for that particular manuscript.
- Reviewers must provide the review as promptly as possible and within the time-frame designated by the editor. Reviewer should promptly notify the editor if they are unable or unqualified to carry out their task within the time-frame, so the alternative reviewers will be assigned to complete the review.